

We provide communication assessment and speech therapy services, as well as information sessions to child care centres, kindergartens and schools as requested.

The speech pathologists at Speech Pathology Toowoomba have worked with a large number of children who encounter difficulties in:

  • speech sound production (articulation, phonology and motor speech disorders)
  • understanding and producing spoken language,
  • development of reading and writing skills (literacy),
  • developing communication and social skills in people with hearing impairment, intellectual impairment and autism (autistic spectrum disorder.)

We cater for...

Toddlers, children and adolescents from a wide range of disability groups, and have speech pathologists experienced in many aspects of communication support including the use of talking, symbols and signing.

Therapy programs are ...

Developed for each individual client based on the best available evidence.  We set therapy goals at the beginning of the program, and the client’s progress is monitored regularly.  The frequency and number of therapy sessions is determined according to evidence-based practice and the client’s and their family’s needs.